Archive | May 2011

Willa Ford: I wanna be bad.

I can’t stop plying this song today. Maybe it’s the catchy lyrics or the poppy beat or the fact that this song is just bad ass. This is the only song by Willa Ford that I have heard ever. It was released a long while ago I think at the time where Britney was still singing “oops i did it again” sometime there. I recently found it in my music collection and now it’s been playing on my phone all day. I’m playing it right now actually. I think it’s a cool song very sassy. She doesn’t have the best voice at all but somehow it works for the song (or maybe it’s the autotune). Oh **** now the damn song is stuck in my head.

Strictly for the Romantics:Last Request

I absolutely adore this song. It’s one of those love songs that makes you so sad but at the same time marvel at the beautiful lyrics. This track is strictly for hopeless romantics. Paolo Nutini is a Scottish singer of Italian descent. Last request is one of his most successful songs. It’s on his debut album These Streets which was released in 2006. This man has an amazing voice it’s depth and soul just gets me. Every. single. time.


Slow down, Lie down,
Remember it’s just you and me.
Don’t sell out, bow out,
Remember how this used to be.

I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let’s get closer tonight

Grant my last request,
And just let me hold you.
Don’t shrug your shoulders,
Lay down beside me.
Sure I can accept that we’re going nowhere,
But one last time let’s go there,
Lay down beside me

Oh, I’ve found, that I’m bound
To wander down that one way road.
And I realise all about your lies
But I’m no wiser than the fool I was before.

I just want you closer,
Is that alright?
Baby let’s get closer tonight

Weekend slackamo Mode

Weekend outfit
Weekends…the end of a long, challenging week and a chance to relax and recover from the Monday to Friday madness. If this is what your weekend sounds like, lucky you. For the rest of us sleeping until noon and doing nothing all day is presently impossible. I’m starting exams in a week and a half and on top of preparing for those all important papers I also have quite a lot of work due. So I spent the weekend working but I also had time for the fun stuff. Watching series and movies and off course catching some Zs. This outfit is truly for one of these weekends where you don’t really want to dress up and just want to be in “slackamo mode” as I call it. So cue the comfy slacks and slouch tee. A boyfriend tee can be inserted here. Don’t forget the fluffy slippers and a headscarf. The laptop,  a very vital aspect in this set. How else are you gonna watch Vampire Diaries and The Good Wife. Do not, I repeat, do not forget to study. When you finally decide to sleep opt for a plain sleeping eye mask. Sweet dreams
yours sincerely

Juicy Couture black top
124 GBP –

Madeleine thompson
265 GBP –

Soul Cal activewear pants
30 GBP –

Ballet shoes
13 GBP –

Hair accessory
$14 –

Na na na na, hey hey hey…Goodbye

Consider this your official obituary. I know you’re obviously alive and well but everything you were to me and who you were in my eyes? That’s dead and gone. So I feel that the word obituary is fitting for this tragic event. It’s tragic for you because you are no longer someone who deserves my attention or thoughts. It’s also tragic coz I have finally come to the realisation that you do not deserve me,never did and possibly never will. I’m using harsh words because you are a chapter in my life that I need to close and need to close now. In the recent past I cared so much about you to the point that I failed to see all the ways, however small, in which you disrespected me. I spend so much time thinking of all the good things about you that I actually forgot that you handled me so badly in the short time I knew you. You are probably a nice guy, I’m  positively, actually sure you are. I refuse to believe that the nice guy I saw in the beginning was a lie. I think the “i think i’m so cool”, arrogant guy you make yourself out to be is the phony but I’m not waiting around to find that out. I have better things to do with my time. So congrats, you’ve gone from a prominent landmark on my map to a mere blimp on my radar; from chapter to sentence-actually to full stop. Accept my congratulations, you certainly earned it.

Certified Eye and Ear Candy: Matt Pokora

No discussion about French music would be complete for me without Matt Pokora. I discovered this guy on Mtv Base on their French countdown. I heard his song “Elle Me Controle” and I was hooked on the r ‘n’b/ hip hop vibe. Also this young man could dance. I couldn’t really access  his music at the time but then in 2008 he released Mp3 and his single “Dangerous” featuring Timbaland. He also released “Catch me if you can” both tracks were awesome. Matt Pokora started his career on Popstars and ended up in a boyband but that did not last long.  He went on to have a successful solo career and his most recent work was his 2010 album “Mise a Jour.” Though I haven’t heard his new material I know I won’t be disappointed when I finally do. Let’s not forget that Matt is extremely good looking. This is some serious eye candy. Pokora seems to also enjoy portraying a bad boy image in his music and he kinda looks the part nose ring and all. Ladies he’s the kind our mom’s warn us about. Bad boy or not I have mad respect for this artist and support his music.

Today’s Outfit

Cold day Today

We love our city Cape Town but let’s face it, the weather here is fecking bipolar. Well today I woke up and noted that I couldn’t see  the mountain from my bedroom window and I just knew it was gonna be cold today. With that in mind my Polyvore outfit today should keep the cold at bay (well sort of). I am obsessed with the boyfriend flannel shirts so that was the centre of this outfit. If you like flannel shirts too and don’t have a bf to borrow from head on over to  The Lot and get yourself one. The one at the lot is perfect for winter because it even has a hood. If the one at the Lot is too pricy head to Mr Price for their flannel shirts. The shirt is over a black body con mini dress and I added a chained belt to give it an edge. Black flat boots keep your legs warm and not forgetting some gloves. If you want to cover your head why not add a nice beanie. The earrings and ring give the look some bling AND the parka will keep you warm and dry. Don’t forget the umbrella.


Evening party dress
32 GBP –

Old Navy plaid top
$6.97 –

399 EUR –

Lanvin leather boot
675 GBP –

Sonia Rykiel stud ring
$84 –

Meadowlark stud earring
$75 –

Dorothy Perkins umbrella
10 GBP –

Eugenia Kim slouch beanie
104 GBP –

Fingerless glove
$140 –

McQ by Alexander McQueen studded belt
$173 –

Hugo Boss Boss Orange Sunset (50ml)
38 GBP –

Certified Talent :Zaho

Her name is Zaho and though I don’t speak French I really love her music. I discovered her the way most people in Zimbabwe discover music, sitting at home all day and moving between music channels. I heard the song “La Roue Tourne” and I loved the beat and the flute like instrument in the background. The video was even cooler because of the way the camera moved around Zaho. For those of you who don’t understand French “la roue tourne” simply means that things in life do not stay the same, you can have a good day today and a bad one tomorrow. Zaho was my first encounter with French music and from there I tried to listen to other French artists. I would wait for the French countdown on MTV Base so you could say French music is something I enjoy and have a fascination with. Zaho (birth name Zehira) was born in Algeria  and lives in Montreal Canada and La Roue Tourne is off her album called Dima (meaning always). She is a talent and someone you should get on your I pod.

Feature Article:Let’s Play (Virtual) Dress up

Valerie isn’t even 21 yet but her wardrobe would make Kim Kardashian green with envy. You wouldn’t believe that this wardrobe belongs to a student. She has 25 pairs of Christian Louboutins. In total she has about 188 pairs of shoes and over 500 outfits I kid you not. On top of this she amassed these things in less than one month. YSL, Chanel, Cartier, Burberry you name it, she has it. So how does a 20 year old student manage to accumulate a wardrobe of Mariah Carey proportions? Welcome to the world of virtual possessions, virtual wardrobes and Polyvore.

A blog about virtual possessions quotes a Professor John Zimmerman who said, “Over the past several years’ people have increasingly acquired virtual possessions. These include both possessions that are losing their material integrity (books, photos, music, movies) as well as things that have never had material form (e.g. email archives, social networking profiles, personal behaviour logs).”Everyone has virtual possessions, music and pictures on iPods; movies and series on computers. All these are examples of virtual possessions and let’s face it; we treasure these like the tangible things we own like our bags and shoes. Facebook and MySpace ushered in the age of virtual friendships and thanks to Google images and other photo sharing websites like Istock photo and Flickr virtual possessions have become another facet of social media.

Human beings love things, they love buying them, collecting them and possessing them so the internet and social media just created another place for people to own things. Going on the internet and downloading pictures of what Blake Lively wore to the 2011 Met Gala feels as natural as going to Woolworths to buy a sweater. On top of that some websites allow people to also modify and play around with these virtual possessions. Polyvore, a fashion website which was popularised on Facebook, is one such website. Signing up for it, opens one up to a vast wealth of designer clothing and images that you can use to create a “set” or in other words a virtual outfit. Many young women use this website to perfect their styling skills or to just have fun creating interesting outfits.  Valerie swears by Polyvore. In fact she calls herself an addict. She logs in almost every day and spends hours on it creating sets and posting them to her blog. Polyvore is a very large community with members from all arou Continue reading