Lords of the Tour: 30 Seconds to Mars

If you want to be a successful musician you need to get yourself a loyal group of fans and go on world tour after world tour to keep them happy. If you look at the music industry you’ll realize that the acts that have stayed relevant are those with a massive loyal following bordering on cult status. The survival of most musical acts is heavily dependent on touring and what I like to call roadwork. Lets face it, nowadays  CD sales are quite disappointing so touring presents a steady source of income. Touring is also essential for musicians because it allows them to connect with their fans and keep their communities alive.  No  genre is more reliant on touring  than rock music. Rockstars spend most of their time on the road spreading their music and keeping themselves relevant.  I remember hearing that Linkin Park once  had only one free day in the whole year because they were on tour. From Grateful Dead to Guns n’Roses, Coldplay to Foo Fighters, touring has proven a very effective way to promote yourself. Being on the road for months on end cannot be easy for artists but if you love your fans that’s the sacrifice you make. After all, fans are the reason why successful artists remain successful. It’s really not about the critics, what do they know? It’s all about the fans, all about the fans. One of the most successful touring bands has got to be 30 Seconds to Mars who have been touring extensively touring for the past two years, which is very impressive. Their incredible touring has gotten them into the Guinness Book of World Records and today the band will perform its 300th concert at New York’s Hammerstein Ballroom. I am a huge fan of these guys so I am very excited for them. This is a band that loves their fans, look on Twitter and Facebook for proof. I would love to see 30 seconds to Mars perform soon but I will definitely be there in spirit today. Congrats boys, keep it up!!

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