This is me…now

Greetings earthlings!! I’m Violet Kadzura, my mum calls me Vi,my Twitter followers call me MsViolately, my friends call me Vee and I call myself crazy. My other aliases include Miss Vee,Bricklet and Havannaj (depending on who you ask). Describing myself is hard because I think I am so many different things at once, but I can start with the obvious things. I am 21,Zimbabwean and a BA student at UCT. I’m majoring in media and Visual art history. I am a very creative individual. I am a fashion designer,songwriter/singer, and aside from these things I also want to be a radio DJ, curator or a fashion show director. I don’t think I will have just one job. Welcome to my world “single. female. addicted 2 retail.”  My blog is mainly about music  fashion, decor, current affairs and everything in between. Basically anything and everything that fascinates me.I chose this name from a line in Kanye West’s song All falls down . I chose it because I am single. female and addicted to retail. I love shopping especially looking for bargains and sales.  I really love music and the blog title symbolises that as it is taken from a song. It is something that inspires me, has moulded me, something I escape with and it is also an outlet.


7 thoughts on “This is me…now

  1. eish wow delayed reaction…I feel like the blog in general shows who you are its authentic I like the visuals they are unexpected in a great way. I love the clear canvas easy to navigate.

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