Tag Archive | Libra Scale

Fall of the Gentleman?

After the dismal failure of his fourth studio album, it seems that Ne yo went back to the drawing board (or so we thought). Year of the Gentleman was such an impressive album because it epitomized the reasons why we fell in love with Mr Smith in the first place. That voice,  those poetic lyrics and that oh-so-smooth gentleman status he exuded so effortlessly. This man looked like he had been lifted from the most posh, exclusive gentleman’s club and he not only loved women but he treasured and respected them at the same time. I have no idea where all that went in Libra Scale because I couldn’t recognize him. He exchanged musical quality for dancing shoes with dismal results.

I usually write blog posts from inspiration, this one however stems from seething anger. What happened to the man who serenaded us with Part of the List, made us sad in So Sick and thrilled us in Closer. What is the difference between the Ne yo of Because of You and the Ne yo of Libra Scale? One word-arrogance. I mean I don’t blame the fella, if you have penned hits like Irreplacable and Take A Bow and have half the music business clamouring   to work with you, the angle of my nose would be a little higher too, but what he’s exuding is 100 times more than a little cockiness. I always liked Ne yo because he was humble and easy to relate to but he is now turning into those R n B singers who think the world revolves around their music  and their autotuned, oversexed, overpayed personas.

Ne-yo I am sad to say this but you are starting to really annoy me…I have resorted to listening to your early albums and reminiscing about the days when you were a shining star. You used to stand out, you were so different but now you just blend in with the already dead genre of RnB (check my last post). Case in point, Ne-yo’s new single The Way You Move from his new album The Cracks in Mr Perfect. The album name might be a warning that he is losing it, remember how 50 Cent called his album Before I Self Destruct and his career did just that (and then some). Anyway back to Ne-yo. I feel like 7 other people have a song called The Way You Move so what’s so special about your song Ne-yo? Huh? I mean it’s a song about strippers for crying out loud and ever since “I’m in Love with a Stripper” I think that theme is a lot old. Dude you just had a daughter and you’re praising strippers in your song? Are you serious? And then you had to feature Mr “I’m in Love With a Stripper” himself-why is T-Pain still getting any work. Ne-yo you used to make timeless music now your music belongs on the playlist of a bad RnB radio station. I am saying this with a lot of love because I am actually a big fan but I am really disappointed in you right now. Why are people making songs about strippers anyway, there are many other things going on in the world that do not revolve around poles.

And why is Mr Trey “sex on a stick-I sing like a horse” Songz on your song, can’t you get creative with your collaborations. Look for Frank Ocean’s number or you can even call Mario/Omarion everyone knows those dudes need work right now. Look, maybe the new Ne-yo album will be amazing, it’s really too soon to tell so I might be proved wrong. But if the album flops I won’t say I didn’t see it coming.

R.I.P R’n’B

When was the last time you heard a really good R and B song? I personally feel like the last good r ‘n’b album I heard was Trey Songz’ Ready, for a while Trey Songz was the bright spark in the sea of R n B but even that did not last long because he decided to release Pleasure, Passion and Pain (or whatever it was called) and RnB found itself on the gurney to the morgue. Neyo was another artist who revived RnB but his last offering Libra Scale wasn’t up to standard. In my Own Words, Because of You and Year of the Gentleman were albums that truly captured the spirit of RnB. There was rhythm  from the well produced beats and Blues from the poetic lyrics and soulful vocals. Where did all that go? What I saw and heard in Libra Scale was a talented artist who was trying way too hard to be cool. I still have a lot of respect for Ne yo besides that dismal performance and I hope his 2012 release The Cracks of Mr Perfect will revive his career and resurrect R n B.

I’m not trying to say that there are no good RnB artists left. I am quite excited about about Frank Ocean and I think he is one to watch. His music is on a depressing wave length but it’s working for Drake though…I think Ocean is really talented and there is just something about his music that keeps you listening to it. I think this guy will go a long way. Jennifer Hudson’s new album I Remember Me is also a silver lining in this cloud. BUT, the question is: will RnB ever return to the days of Keith Sweat, Boys II Men, Joe Thomas and R.Kelly or Total, SWV and Deborah Cox. I really don’t see it happening anytime soon because right now as we speak RnB is 6 feet under.