Tag Archive | The City

SiMH❤ Today: The City Game ft Kendrick Lamar

“I won’t stop till I’m the king of every state!!”

This is a good first track if there ever was one. Opening an album with this song reminds me of being pushed into an ice-cold pool. No you didn’t get into it inch by inch, you fell full body into it and you can’t and don’t want to get out. If someone asked me my favourite track on Game’s R.E.D, giving a straight answer would be more than difficult because I actually love the whole album. But if I had to pick this song would come out on top. Track 1 on an album is the pace setter, a foretaste of what to expect. I heard this song and I wanted to listen to the whole R.E.D. It’s aggressive and it’s about Game’s city. He teams up with one of the west coast’s most talented up and comers Kendrik Lamar who delivers a brilliant hook. I don’t know why he’s so angry in this song but it makes the song incredible, and you have to adore the “leave the angels in the city” sample in the song. It’s such a simple arrangement but between the beat, lyrics and flow you find yourself wanting the whole album to yourself.